20th April 2020

Thursday 16th of April

1. The girl was shaking like a leaf.

2. The boy slept like a log.

3. The children crept as quietly as mice.

4. The icicle shone like the sun

Quietly, shaking, slept, sun

Metaphors describe something by saying it is something else.

1. The sun was a flaming. golf ball in the sky.

2. The bear was a furry giant

3. The teacher was an erupting. volcano, exploding with lava.

4. Her hair was a silky blanket.

Giant, hair, flaming, erupting 

Personification is giving an object human features or characteristics.

1. The wind whistled through the trees.

2. The daffodils nodded their yellow bonnets in the wind.

3. The refreshing pool called the holidaymakers.

4. The teapot danced on the shelves during the earthquake.

Yellow, teapot, called, whistled

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